The Caroline Chisholm Library

The Caroline Chisholm Library is a Catholic theological lending and reference library situated in central Melbourne (Level 3, 358 Lonsdale St - opposite St Francis Church). Opening Hours are 11am - 5pm Monday to Friday.

All members of the public are welcome to browse the library, use it for reference purposes or attend lectures. Persons interested in borrowing books can become library members (membership forms are avaliable at the Library).

The library catalogue is available online at the Library's website at

This blog will give details of events at the library, text of talks given at the library as well as reviews of books in the library collection.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Latest Library Newsletter

Library Briefs

October 2012

Caroline Chisholm Library Inc


The 350 Foundation was established earlier this year and as a means by which people can assist in supporting Caroline Chisholm Library into the future even if they are not subscriber members of the Library. Members donate $100 per year and with a target of at least350 members we can pay for the library’s running costs. There are over 50 members so far. In October the Committee is launching the Foundation at our Grand Dinner – See Below – and is running a concerted campaign to enlist more members for the Foundation. If you would be willing to assist in this vital campaign please contact the Library President: Mr Anthony Krohn: 0411 483 494. All donations to the Foundation are tax deductible. Please see the Blog page at: Also support our Facebook page by indicating that you "Like" it :


Book Launch & Talk September 6th 6 30 pm at the Library. "Edmund Campion: The Scholar- The Priest- The Hero- The Martyr" Guest speaker: the book’s editor and enlarger Fr Peter Joseph, gave a lively and well researched talk in his book Edmund Campion and on martyrdom. A DVD of Fr Joseph’s talk will be available for loan. 

Important Dates for Your Diary

Thursday 1st November, 2012

Launch of The Foundation and Funding Raising Dinner & Talk by Anna Silvas for the Caroline Chisholm Library at the Pumphouse Hotel 6.30 for 7 pm. See the enclosed handbill. $75 per head (or $140 per double) plus drinks at bar prices. Cash, cheque or EFT – No credit cards.


FORMAL NOTICE of our AGM is hereby given to all Financial Members. The Caroline Chisholm Library Annual General Meeting: 11 am Saturday 24 th November, 2012 at the Library Meeting Room. Nominations for the Committee members and office bearers due at the library by 10th November. Contact the Library Staff at the Library for nomination forms and further inquiries.


Wednesday Discussion Group-

Each Wednesday at the Library 1-2pm Each week a regular group meets to read and discuss key philosophical and doctrinal texts . This month the Discussion group will consider the Sermon on Marriage and Family by the great Eastern Father St John Chrysostom. Contact John Young at the Library for more information.

Icon School

Meets at the Library between 10-12 each Thursday of the School year. The poster for the Library Fundraising Dinner and Foundation Launch features an icon of Saint Macrina the younger which was especially written by Icon School co-ordinator, John Daly. For more information about the Icon School contact John at the Library on 9670 1815. 

Catholic Book Club 

The Club next meets on Friday, October 26 at 7 pm to discuss Monica Baldwin’s The Called and the Chosen, (1955, Hamish Hamilton, London) Sister Ursula Auberon, is an enclosed nun at the (fictional) Abbaye de la Sainte Croix, Framleghen, Central to the author’s themes are the questions she asked of herself in her first book: "Is it possible to follow a vocation, and later lose it? Or to take one's vows mistakenly in the belief of a vocation? For more information about the Book Club contact the Library on 9670 1815.

Dominican Tertiaries

Blessed Adrian Fortescue Chapter –The Next meeting of the Chapter will be Wednesday November 14 th. We are lay people of different ages and backgrounds who live in the spirit of Saint Dominic and his Order of Preachers (Dominicans). Meetings begin with Vespers (Evening Prayer of the Church’s Liturgy) and then have a discussion or paper on some theological topic of practical importance. We finish at about 7.30 pm. Chapter members support the library by such means as we can - prayer, volunteer work, donations, publicity – according to time and opportunity. For meeting details contact the the Library on 9670 1815. 

Friday, 5 October 2012

Upcoming Library Fundraising Dinner with Launch of the 350 Foundation

All are invited to the following exciting event!

Caroline Chisholm Fundraising Dinner & Talk

Thursday 1st November, 2012

6.30 for 7 pm

At the Pumphouse Hotel
128 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy

Special Guest Speaker Dr Anna Silvas FAHA speaking on:

“St Macrina the Younger, The Fourth Cappodocian- or Was She the First?”

Dr Anna Silvas is a scholar of ancient languages and a Church historian and author of international acclaim. Her research concentrates on early monasticism in Eastern Asia Minor and in Syria, and the spirituality of ascetic women in early and medieval Christianity. She is a fellow of the prestigious Australian Academy of Humanities. She is the author of “Saint Macrina: Philosopher of God.” and has went to Turkey to research the site of St Macrina’s monastery. St Macrina (327-379)was the first born of some remarkable siblings which included the Church Doctors Basil and Gregory and St Peter Sebastia.

RSVP for bookings and enquiries: Anthony Krohn +61 411 483 494 or Paul Nixon: +61 405 486 531

Cost: Talk and Dinner:
(with Drinks at Bar Prices)
Single: $75
Double: $ 140
Payment: Cash or Cheque on the Night


The importance of knowing the Faith

 The Second Vatican Council spoke of the vocation of the laity to evangelize the world, and said this must be done through words and not just by good example (Decree on the Lay Apostolate, n. 6).

Clearly, if we are to be capable of explaining our beliefs to others, we must have a good understanding of those beliefs. So the Decree stated: “In addition to spiritual formation, a solid doctrinal instruction in theology, ethics and philosophy adjusted to differences in age, status and natural talents is required” (n. 29).

Suppose that at the end of the Council, in 1965, Catholics had taken that last sentence seriously. Suppose they had given, say, a couple of hours a week to learning about the Faith and related subjects. What wonderful knowledge they would have now!

They would have explored the mysteries of the Faith through reading Scripture, the Church Fathers, the theologians, the pronouncements of the divinely guided Magisterium. They would have explored the great questions that philosophers have discussed through the ages – and would have been guided in this especially by St Thomas Aquinas. (Note what Vatican II said about the perennial philosophy: Decree on Priestly Training, n. 15.)

They would have a good grasp of the big events in Church history, and be well versed in apologetics.

Sadly, this has not happened. Most Catholics have made no serious effort, and too often when they have tried to improve their knowledge of the Faith they have been led astray by unorthodox books and courses.

What can be done? The Caroline Chisholm Library has sound books on the above topics, from early writers to the present, and ranging from elementary works to profound ones. We can all promote these treasures to the people we know, as well as using them ourselves.

The older we get the more difficult it is to learn. Realistically, many people have left it too late to advance far in the studies I have spoken of. But at least the value of these studies should be seen, and the fact that the Church urges them. Seeing this, we can all encourage people, especially young people, to pursue such studies and so attain wisdom in an age of folly. 

I’ll mention just one of the authors whose books are in the Library, F. J. Sheed. Three of his books give an overview of theology: A Map of Life is the simplest, Theology for Beginners is a level higher, while Theology and Sanity is the most profound but is very clearly written – and in my opinion is his masterpiece.

John Young

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Caroline Chisholm Society Fundraiser Cocktail Party

(while there is no link between the Caroline Chisholm Library and the Caroline Chisholm Society - the only connection is they are named after the same person! - this blog is pleased to support the Caroline Chisholm Society's work in helping pregnant women and new Mothers. See for more information about the Society's work.)

Caroline Chisholm Society Fundraiser Cocktail Party

Please join us for drinks and canapés amid live music, ceramic and visual art and heritage architecture.

A silent auction will also be underway.

When: Wednesday 24 October 2012, 6pm until 9pm

Where: Morgans@401, 401 Collins Street, Melbourne

Price: Single tickets $65, Five tickets $300

Book by Friday 12 October 2012 at or on 03 9361 7000

Donate without buying tickets at