The Caroline Chisholm Library

The Caroline Chisholm Library is a Catholic theological lending and reference library situated in central Melbourne (Level 3, 358 Lonsdale St - opposite St Francis Church). Opening Hours are 11am - 5pm Monday to Friday.

All members of the public are welcome to browse the library, use it for reference purposes or attend lectures. Persons interested in borrowing books can become library members (membership forms are avaliable at the Library).

The library catalogue is available online at the Library's website at

This blog will give details of events at the library, text of talks given at the library as well as reviews of books in the library collection.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

20th Anniversary Dinner

Caroline Chisholm Library

20th Anniversary Dinner

On Thursday 8th August 2013
The Caroline Chisholm Library
Will celebrate 20 Years of Life and Service
6 p.m.  Mass of Thanksgiving
Chapel of the Academy of Mary Immaculate
88 Nicholson Street Fitzroy
7 p.m. for 7.30,
Fund-raising & Celebration Dinner
The Pumphouse Hotel
128 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy (opposite Exhibition Gardens)
Speaker: Julian McMahon, Barrister,
Catholic Faith in the Public Arena
 Meal $80 per head; $150 per double; Drinks at bar prices.
For Bookings or information please call 03 9670 1815 or 0411 483 494

Please pay by cash, cheque or transfer to the library’s account:- 
ANZ Bank,  BSB 013040 Account 254936888
Tax Deductible Donations for the Library Most Welcome!!!
*** Please: Put note on transfer: “Name”, plus “dinner” or “donation”.