The Caroline Chisholm Library

The Caroline Chisholm Library is a Catholic theological lending and reference library situated in central Melbourne (Level 3, 358 Lonsdale St - opposite St Francis Church). Opening Hours are 11am - 5pm Monday to Friday.

All members of the public are welcome to browse the library, use it for reference purposes or attend lectures. Persons interested in borrowing books can become library members (membership forms are avaliable at the Library).

The library catalogue is available online at the Library's website at

This blog will give details of events at the library, text of talks given at the library as well as reviews of books in the library collection.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Upcoming Talk: The Life and Work of Frank Sheed

Tragically, many today do not know who Frank Sheed was.

Frank Sheed was a vigorous combination of elements. An Australian-born layman who jetted between London and New York, one who trained in law but became a jovial and engaging public theologian.

With his wife Maisie Ward, Frank established the remarkably successful house of Sheed and Ward. Sheed was above all a remarkable communicator. His articles and books brought theological mysteries such as the Blessed Trinity "out of the muddle" in which many homilies languish and into the light. His book Theology and Sanity is rarely out of print.

Our speaker, John Young, who writes and teaches philosophy, knew Frank Sheed and his work with the Catholic Evidence Guild.

Time: 1-2pm, Wednesday 11 March 2015

Location: Caroline Chisholm Library, Level 3, 358 Lonsdale St, Melbourne

All are welcome!